Saturday, March 7, 2009

Warriors - I Remove the Indian and Start Working on Him

Removed the warrior from the horse today and started fleshing him in. My 8 gig sd card filled up so the end of video is the end... TODAY'S VIDEO

Well today everyone has come to the sad realization that the young lady who was missing yesterday in the explosion (see yesterdays entry), well we've had to face the fact that she's, I hate to say the words, she was killed in that terrible explosion. They still haven't found her. Last I read, they were sending dogs in to find her, as soon as they can.
Also found out today that Whitehall, about 40 miles from here, is on fire. There was a 4.7 earthquake just south of that town and it caused a gas leak and 3 buildings were on fire earlier today. There was also an explosion just south of Tulsa Oklahoma and 6 buildings were destroy. Not sure what the heck is happening..
Well not sure if I'll be in my studio tomorrow.. if not I will be there Monday. Just come back and check.

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